Growth through Learning:
Leadership conversations for employee development
Where does employee development belong in an organization? Achieving results is always the focus of leaders, employees, and organizations. However, a focus that prioritizes getting things done at the expense of other goals, leads to short-term gains and compromises long-term growth.
Welcome to Growth through Learning – a 6-part podcast series that bridges the gap between formal training and learning that’s embedded in the DNA of teams. We’ll ask the big questions to uncover the importance of anchoring employee learning and into the hands of leaders so organizations, teams and employees grow.
Organizations that grow, grow their people. And people grow when they’re learning on the job with their team and from their leader.

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Discussion questions
Incorporate these podcasts into your team meetings. Listen to an episode, then discuss it with your team members. Email me if you’d like some discussion questions for each episode to guide your conversation.

Where I’ve been a guest
I enjoy being a guest on podcasts. I love having conversations about learning and employee development, and the work I do with leaders and their teams. Have a listen!
The Connectors Podcast
EPISODE #57 – The Learning Mindset: How Leaders Shape Teams and Transform Organizations
The Connectors Podcast
EPISODE #16 – Strategise and design your future as a thought leader
Facilitating on Purpose
EPISODE #9 – Training that Clicks